Rockin' K 50-Mile Trail Run, 1st Saturday in April, 2002


I had a pretty fun time at the Rockin' K 50-miler on Saturday. Many of

the 50-mile competition dropped out due to 50 mile-per-hour winds.

The lightweights. No, seemed like anyone under 140 lbs

was blown away. Some opted for the marathon finish, instead. All of

us received (an appropriate) wind shirt, and a finisher's horseshoe.


The course is hilly, and has multiple stream crossings, four of which were

up to my thigh. There were about 5 miles of sand, (but it was pretty

sand), in yellow and orange hues; as if that makes a difference. I

would rate it (on a non-windy day): very much easier than Voyageur and

harder than Quivering Quads.


I actually really enjoyed this one. The first 25 miles I was feeling

just OK, not marvelous, believe me. The second half, I felt great--

even though the wind had picked-up and it had gotten colder. I was

passing rocks & trees like they were standing still. On the second

half, I got into a sort of zen trance; I enjoyed the scenery

immensely, and was awestruck by the beauty of the prairie and

canyons. I seemed to be getting stronger and faster toward the end.

I had a strong finish and felt I could have run another ten hours. I

ran a 10:02.

