Lumbering Luddite Course
This course proves the old saying -- "If you're gonna be stupid, you better be tough." This course was designed
and narrated by our own lumbering, rock-banging Luddite, Gary Henry. (Please don't lynch him immediately after
the event). We won't say whether it is a hard or an easy course, just that it's approximately 3+ miles long. You
will have to upload all of these instructions, numbered 1 to 13, for each section of trail. Have fun!
Download these files:
Mud Babe's Revenge Course
Mud makes you beautiful, so this course will offer runners a drip or drop of
mud here and there. May also make you want to take revenge on someone -- probably the person who designed the course.
(The narrator was just following this nameless person's instructions). You will have to upload all of these instructions,
numbered 1 to 11, for each section of trail. Have fun!
Download these files:
Clinton Cornfusion Course
I can neither confirm nor deny that the course designers got disoriented and
turned around several times while trying to figure out this headache. Still, the name is what it is, eh? It may be
easier than you think.
You will have to upload all of these instructions, numbered 1 to 16, for
each section of trail. Have fun!
Download these files:
The Course Narrators:
Directions to the race start:
Go to the entrance of Clinton State Park, Lawrence, KS. Pay the minor park entry fee, and follow the signs that
say "Race Event" to:
Shelter #4, Campground 1
Here's a map to the park entrance:
Questions? Email
Gary Henry, 785-766-0293, Race Director